Saturday 2 June 2007

Scrubbing that smile of a Piñata's face.

Good afternoon, good evening and good night. My second Saturday has passed and to be honest this has been a fairly boring one. The only highlight has been seeing my first piñata shedding its sweets. I took a video of it, so if you are lucky I will get that working. How good am I? Too good.

Today was much the same as last Saturday. I went to watch the boys practice in there band which was pretty good, but then they all went off to play some football. I was already sweating just sitting down... so I declined the offer to join them. I dont know what has happened but I swear I have got less used to the heat. It hasnt got any hotter than before, but I am feeling it now.

It was some kids birthday at the church so I was able to get some hamburgers out of that, they were a million miles away from Brisith burgers - and there was no chance of mad cow disease, where is the fun in that? I was going to go to Arenalus to help out with the Kids Club, but by the time I had had some lunch and got ready to take the bus there was no point going, I would get there as the club finished. So I stayed at the party, eventually crawling back into the dark where to my joy I could talk to my brother online. I know he was waiting for this blog to hear about my day, so this one is dedicated to him. Its a shame nothing really happened today...

I have pretty much brought you up to speed on what has happened today, and so here comes a bit of the ramble that you all love so much... you do love it yeah? Well, there isnt much you can do to stop me! Get ready. 3,2,1...

I was watching some guy practice at church with his band and he did a little solo quite randomly. I smiled at him and he smiled back, it was quite a way off so it got me thinking... Is a smile the most recognisable thing from a distance? I guess if you winked at someone from 300 yards you wouldnt really expect a huge reaction, so I would imagine a smile is the most recognisable - the pearly whites help quite a bit I guess. Thinking about it you can quite easily tell if someone is crying from a way off due to there body language. Well, there is a ramble if ever I saw one!

I really miss watching classic TV in England. I am so grateful that I have my ipod with me with movies and programmes on it. If I did not have that I would have gone Mexicanly Mental. What I really miss is watching Scrubs. Something about that show just seemed to fit for me, ive watched all the 4 series at least 3 times over, and I love it every time! At least when I go home again I will have Season 5 waiting for me in the parcel. I was just about to upload a photo and I cam across this, Im TOO generous today...

After my great idea of taking a notebook with me wherever I go, I forgot the notebook. Great lot of use that was. In fact, im going to stop doing this blog and go and put a notebook and pen into my bag so that I will never forget again... Sorted. No more exuses now!

This blogs stupid thing I thought about as a child is,

I used to think that when you turned the TV up on something like the news the reporter got a signal to talk a bit louder. I knew that everyone would have different levels of volume in their houses, so I was amazed at how the reporter could handle all the different requests. Now that is stupid.

Corn Pops are amazing. They start and finish my day and I doubt I would be able to do as much in the day without them. I am seriously considering putting them above wheatbix (thinking about that why do we call it wheat-a-bix. There is no 'a' - wheat-bix right?) For those of you that don't know, corn pops are a cereal, and I am addicted to them. Next time you are in America or Mexico look them up. You wont regret it.

My week is feeling just like a cycle now, this is probably the reason that the blogs no longer feel that fresh to me, I am just writing about the same things on a weekly basis. It actually feels more like I am writing more about what I am thinking than what I am doing in the day, because of this I am going to try and get a photo of the day sorted, so that you can get the essence of the day in a photo. Sound good to you? I quite liked the idea. The first Pic of the Day is at the top of this post.

Im going to try and cut down on the lengths of these blogs because im sure you dont really want to read an essay everyday. Just little Philly style snippets will quence your Mexican thirst. Thanks to the people who are still reading these, they will get better soon. I promise.

Love always,


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